Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Hello Readers!

Things have slowed down quite a bit since I got published. Now that I've had more time to do things, I've been helping with some outside chores. One of those has been pulling the weeds out of the cracks of the driveway and other places. They seem to be everywhere. 

Many people use weeds as an illustration for sin. Weeds continually come back and are annoying... which fits. But I've been thinking...

I've begun to see weeds as what I should be. Here are my observations:

1. They are Relentless
I don't know about you, but they keep on coming back. No matter what you do, they come back. We need to be relentless; we need to come back to Jesus again and again. We need to keep growing, no matter what comes to pull us up or push us down.

2. They are Beautiful
Okay, lets face it, almost all weeds pretty. They are such a vibrant green. They have pretty flowers. Let's be beautiful for Jesus. 

3. They are Strong
Okay, some weeds are really easy just to yank up. Others, well, they just won't budge. We don't want to be easy to uproot. We need to be deeply rooted in Jesus. 

Well that's all for today y'all I hope that little thought blessed you.
Be a strong, relentless, beautiful weed for Jesus!

~Mattie May

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Why I Didn't Post Yesterday...

Hello Friends!

I usually try to post on Wednesday, and that didn't happen... 


Well, I had to finish up a big assignment... Really big... Which leads me to announce....

I have big news.... 

*insert epic drumroll* 

My debut novel Everlasting Gold is available on Amazon! 

You can get the paperback for $10 dollars here Everlasting Gold Paper Back

Or you can get the Kindle version here for $4.99 Everlasting Gold Kindle Version 

If y'all care to buy it I hope you enjoy it.
If y'all don't... well enjoy reading the lil' bit that Amazon allows and  I hope you enjoy looking at the cover ;P 


Mattie May, The Blossoming Writer

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Hello Readers! 

Today I wanted to tell you something that you will read in my novel. It has to do with a kitten. I love kittens; they are sweet, fluffy and just all in all adorable, so of course, I had to put a kitten in my novel. 

I've had several kittens and cats in the past few years. A few have run away and a few have died. One of the hardest kitten deaths for me was a kitten called Pit-A-Pat, she was the cutest of the litter and was super sweet. I was really upset when I found out. My grandma suggested that I write about Pit-a-Pat to help calm me down. At the time, I just sobbed over a notepad and wrote everything I loved about that kitten. I had come to nickname her Pitter-Patter, because whenever I went into the carport, she would run up to me. 

When I was drafting my novel, I wanted to put something in there to remind me of Pitter-Patter, thus Raindrop was born. 

Raindrop is a combination of Pitter-Patter's colors and the personality or our other kitties, Black Donald and Teddy Bear. They both have sweet personalities and love to sit on laps. 

So now that I've told you all about sweet Raindrop you may read the excerpt below:

 "No one seemed to notice that Walter had left until Angie glanced around. “Where did Walter go?” She asked hesitantly.
“I’m right here,” he said coming from the direction of the road. He had a small box in his hand. “I just wanted to bring you all a little gift,” he said.
“Who me?” Angie asked, turning to him.
“Yes, Angie,” he said, as he passed her the box.
“May I open it Pa?” she asked.
“Yes, dear,” Philip replied. Angie set the box down and fell to her knees to open it. After breaking the loose seal, she pulled the lid off. A small meow told the rest of the onlookers what was inside. Angie reached into the box and pulled out a fluffy gray and white kitten. She gasped. Angie had never had any pets. Walter cleared his throat.
“I thought it might be useful to guard against the various rodents that we get around here,” he explained.
“I see,” Philip said, musing.
“What should I call her,” Angie asked, stroking the kitten’s soft fur.
“I don’t know Angie,” Josie said. “What color are her eyes?” she asked.
“They are blue, see” Angie said, holding the kitten up so her mother could look into its bright blue eyes.
“How about Raindrop,” Walter suggested, he had hoped whoever took over the mission would have a child so he could give them the sweetest kitten of the litter.

“I like that one,” Angie said, taking the ribbon out of her hair and using it as a toy for the kitten. “Do you like the name Raindrop,” she whispered to it. “I do, did you know that I am going to be a big sister soon? Yes, sir, a big sister,” she whispered to Raindrop. “Thank you,” she said, looking into Walter’s blue eyes."

Well, that's all for now, I'm planning on doing a cover reveal for my novel on Saturday. You can check it out at on my Facebook page The Blossoming Writer.

Mattie May, The Blossoming Writer

Monday, April 13, 2020

COVID19 + Blog Tag!

Hello Readers! 

This is a crazy time in our world. So many things are getting canceled or postponed, (like my wisdom teeth removal that was supposed to happen, wouldn't say I'm really disappointed about that though 😜). I am sad that my church is canceled, and that I can't just ask my friends if they want to hang out. 

Alright, onto the tag! 

My lovely friend and fellow blogger Maple at Maple Quill Penning Magic tagged me for the 'Social Distancing Support Tag.' So with no further ado...

The Rules:

1) Thank the blogger who tagged you and link back to them, as well as back to Within The Static
Thank you Maple! 🍁

2) Answer the tag questions

Will do!

3) Tag 3-5 bloggers

Serenity at Not So Enchanted Light

Rose at In The Shadows Saga

Sarah at The Sarcastic Elf

Penny Wood at Jane Austen's Lightsaber

The Questions:

1. What’s your current attitude toward COVID-19 and social distancing (honestly)?

I'm not sure yet, it really hasn't affected me that much... I'm usually bothered when it bothers my friends... and I wish I could be with them...

2. Has your schedule become busier or more open as a result of social distancing?

It hasn't changed a whole lot, besides piano and voice lessons being canceled... so more open I guess.

3. If you were public schooled before COVID hit, how has your experience with homeschooling been (whatever that looks like for you)?

I'm homeschooled already, so moving to the next question. 

4. If you were already homeschooled, how has COVID affected you or not?

Not much has changed... just the regular school... 

5. How are you staying connected with people?

I'm not really... I text a friend every so often... but she's busy... soooo I'm kinda on my own... but I do want to reach out to her and others more. 

6. How do you wish people would connect with you?

I think getting a letter, email, or just someone reaching out however they want to... just someone caring enough to show it. 

7. What has been the most difficult part of social distancing?

The most difficult would be having 'extra' time and not being able to share it with friends...

8. Have any blessings come out of it?

The blessings have been, hanging out as a family and finding new and different ways to spend time together. 

9. What’s been most encouraging to you through social distancing?

That God is always there, no matter what. 

10. Have you learned anything new or made any accomplishments during this time? (Even small ones)

Umm not yet, but if it keeps going I'll have a published book by the end sooo does that count???

11. Is there anything you want to achieve or learn or do before social distancing ends?

I'd like to do some reading... finish some books that got put on life hold. 

There ya go, hope you enjoyed!


Mattie May

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Spring Life!

Hello Friends!

This week is spring break! I wasn't planning on it, but I'm not complaining. Although I should clarify that spring is for my novel class... My sisters have been enjoying my free time and filling it with other school subjects... So that's fun... haha *nervous laugh* Okay... Not really, but it feels good to get things done. 

Last week, I had several additions to my family. We already had two dogs and several cats. Well, in about three week's time we have more than doubled our cat population... Yep, three momma kitties for a total of NINE kittens... 
My answer is, Want one??? haha, I really have no idea, probably give some to friends... Keep a few... *shrugs* who knows... 

The next addition, is fifteen chicks! I'm super excited about them. It's been forever since I last had chickens... *is flooded with memories* They are such fun birds... 

On Thursday we are planning on getting ducklings and oh my, am I excited! To see and hold the floofy babies! *warm fuzzies* 

Anyway, I'm continuing to work on my cover, I'm liking it and I can't wait to show it to you all soon!!!

Mattie May

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Why A Blog?

Hello Readers!
So I'd better answer the burning question 'Why a Blog?' 
The short answer is because I wanted to, but perhaps you might want the long version... so here ya go. 

When I was young, I took IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing). I had an amazing teacher and was mostly a straight-A student. Most of that was not me, it was daddy and momma. They spent late nights helping me hit deadlines. I think that is when my love for writing began. 

Momma brought up the idea of a blog a few times, but it never got anywhere. Whenever I brought up the idea, it never got anywhere. 

After IEW ended, I didn't really write anything for fun. Maybe a story here and there, but nothing that I remember.

I knew when I had a writing assignment for school I always looked forward to it. I remember reading a story in my 'Reading' book, then proceeding to rewrite it a short story style. 

The first story I remember writing for fun was for daddy. It was a historical fiction taking place during the time of the Magna Charta. My sister illustrated it and we 'published' it by printing out the story and glueing the pages in a book. It was supposed to be the first in a four book series. I'd love to come back and fix it up and write the last three books that never happened. When I wrote that book, daddy told me that he wanted me to publish a book before I graduated high school. I said okay. I had no idea what I had just agreed to. 

Well, I kinda forgot about the idea for a few years, but the love for writing was there. 

We moved and the idea of writing came back. My sisters and I always wanted to make movies, so I wrote a script for a play. It was sad, almost everyone died by the end and I constantly killed off the guy characters since we don't have any brothers.(Sorry to all you guys out there.) 

As my desire to write grew I began researching different classes that I could take that would help me grow in that area. I would show them to daddy, but he didn't really like any of them. 

In August of 2019 daddy found a class. I agreed to do it. If I had any idea of what that meant, I don't know if I would have been so eager. LOL.

I wrote my first full-length novel during NaNoWriMo 2019. It was so hard. But I had an amazing family and amazing encouragement from the Christian teen Thread on the Nano forums. 

In all honesty, given the option I'd love to write another novel and write with the hope of blessing others with my stories. 

As adulthood draws closer, everyone wants to know what I'm going to do with my life. I tell them I'm going to write.

And there you go, my writing life story.

~Mattie May, The Blossoming Writer